Monday, August 14, 2006

Into the light...

Cenotaph Corner, Llanberis Pass, UK
Originally uploaded by slack---line.

Leading the Pass classic Cenotaph Corner (*** E1 5c), back in May 2005.

The belayer is John Thompson.

Extremely pleased with myself when I got to the top of this.

Stanage Wall End Slab

Stanage Wall End Slab
Originally uploaded by slack---line.

A rather soft touch gritstone slab at the pleasent and quiet far end of Stanage.

Not much gear on this climb, so not one to slip off, but its at a nice angle so there's not much chance in that.

Up and running....

Well I thought I'd start blogging some of the pics I take whilst climbing. They all get posted to my Flickr Stream, but I'm pretty bored at work and thought I'd post them here as well.

I might even bother to write something about the climbs as well, you never know.